

福島核災解密 4號反應堆乏燃料棒早在 2011年 3月已全數融解!!!

Fukushima report declassified: Worse than we were told
11 Dec, 2015

Fukushima nuclear power plant is still experiencing major contamination issues nearly five years after the earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent meltdown.

A new declassified report from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, written on March 18, 2011 just days after the disaster, sheds light on just how bad it was.

We now know that "100% of the total spent fuel was released to the atmosphere from unit 4."

According to nuclear expert and whistleblower Arnie Gundersen in an interview with WBAI in New York, unit four contained more cesium "than in all 800 nuclear bombs exploded above ground".

Cesium has been linked to thyroid cancer, which is on the increase in the Fukushima area since the tsunami, according to the US National Library of Medicine.

The chemical is highly soluble in water and can find its way into foodstuffs that have been prepared in contaminated areas.



  最近一份來自美國當局的解密文件,顯示原來 311大地震當日洩漏的輻射量,遠超過外界所知,其中4號核反應堆的乏燃料棒,已全數融解。

  美國核能監管委員會(NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission)在318、即核災後數日寫下的一份文件,最近公開,當中提到「4號核反應堆的乏燃料棒,100%已釋出大氣之中」,即是所有乏燃料棒均融解並釋出輻射。

  核電專家岡德森(或譯 厄尼•根德森 Arnie Gundersen註1曾表示,4號核反應堆所含的輻射銫,相當於800個核彈在地面上爆炸。

  放射性銫可增加患甲狀腺癌的機會,高度容於水及污染食物。另外根據福島縣當局及日本環保部門指出,當地至今已堆積了超過 900萬袋核廢料。




厄尼•根德森(Arnie Gundersen)曾於 2012年初,在東京(東京距離福島 250km)隨便找了 5個地方挖了些泥土作化驗樣本。根據研究所證明,在東京用以栽種花朵、植物和食物等的泥土,相對美國的標準而言,其輻射程度應該被視為核廢料。到東京泥土應該視為核廢料。

1. 日本福島第一核電站前站長因食道癌病逝

1 則留言:

  1. 4號反應堆乏燃料棒早在 2011年 3月已全數融解
