Mega-Quake Could Destroy Pacific Northwest, Report
Jul 15, 2015
A new report predicts that a
mega-earthquake could kill an estimated 13,000 people and destroy a sizable
portion of the Pacific Northwest.
Even more disturbing? It's overdue.
The New Yorker (註1)reported that FEMA calculations show these types of earthquakes
happen at regular intervals in this specific part of the world, roughly every
240 years.
The last one was more than 300 years ago,
in 1700, when a quake there sent a 600-foot wave of water all the way to Japan.
Michio Kaku, a physicist and professor at
City College of New York, told Shepard Smith today that the troubling article
does not overstate the danger.
Michio Kaku(加來道雄.日裔美國籍理論物理學家。)
"The Cascadia fault(卡斯卡迪亞斷層) is an earthquake waiting
to happen," Kaku stated. "We know it's going to happen with an energy
30 times the maximum energy of the San Andreas fault."
Kaku said Hollywood
has "brainwashed" people into thinking that California is where the next massive
earthquake will hit.
He added that before the mega-quake
actually hits, there is a compression wave that is detected by animals.
"Animals start to act very strange.
We've seen that happen before earthquakes," Kaku said. "And then, a
minute, two minutes later, boom!"
The massive quake, with a magnitude of up
to 9.2, would last about four minutes, according to seismologists, with a wall
of water following about 15 minutes later.
Kaku said he's concerned that many of the
70,000 residents in the potential "inundation zone" have very little
knowledge about this risk.
"It barely rates on the radar
screen," he said.
Shep asked Kaku whether he would live in
the Pacific Northwest if he had children.
"I'd think twice," he said,
advising residents to educate their children on emergency preparedness and what
to do in case of an earthquake.
Mega-Quake Would Destroy Big Portion Of Pacific Northwest
- First Warning - Shepard Smith Rpt
Video source:
News)以專題形式報導,一個可能由美國西北岸卡斯卡迪亞斷層(Cascadia fault)引發達 9級的地震及海嘯,估計將會造成 13, 000人的死亡,並摧毀大量沿岸房屋。
早在2013年 2月份,一群基督教國際先知Bob Jones、Rick Joyner 及Paul Keith Davis 等,舉辦一個聯合會議,共同預言美國西岸將會發生大地震,竟然首次公開呼籲居住美國東西兩邊海岸的居民,遷離海岸線城市,進到內陸安全地方,文字資訊則在
2013年 5月中才於網上公開轉載。(註2)
先知Bob Jones 警告:天父正移開祂保護的手,原因是美國人認同了同性戀的婚姻。
當全美國按著 Freemason所部署,到今年 2015年 6月 26日,美國聯邦最高法院以 5票贊成、 4票反對,最終通過裁決,裁定同性伴侶有權在全美同性婚姻合法化,意味標止同性婚姻的 14個州要終止針對同性婚姻的禁令。
而贊成的最高法院大法官安東尼.甘迺迪(Anthony Kennedy)在判詞中指,「同性戀者希望結婚,不應被判以孤獨生活,不應被排除於其中一條文明世界中最古老的制度。他們要求在法律中獲得同等尊嚴。因此,憲法賦予他們(同性婚姻)權利」。美國總統巴拉克.奧巴馬亦在 Twitter發推文,「今日是邁向平等的一大步,男、女同性戀者現在有如其他人一樣擁有結婚的權利。
上圖:美國白宮 Facebook專頁的圖示改成彩虹旗模樣
當全美國按著 Freemason所部署,逐步變為如所多瑪、蛾摩拉一樣,接納同性戀,行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,觸發神的審判臨到美國。
這是神對美國的審判,他特別針對美國西岸的 11個州,並表示神對他們保護的手已經挪開了,這會導致他們將全被毀滅。
當看到 Fox News
Really Big One
earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The
question is when.
July 20, 2015