

美國北部縱然踏入夏季 仍降下大雪

  位於美國蒙大拿州Montana北部的冰川國家公園(Glacier National Park),縱然踏入夏季仍降下大雪。



在冬季拍下的嗎? 不,是在今年617在冰河國家公園拍下的。
Over 14" of snow at Sperry Chalet(冰河國家公園) since 6/17. Use caution during this time of increased moisture in the park.(



The wintry weather in Great Falls, Montana on June 17 looked more like Christmas time.

Winter just won't quit in the Northern Rockies where an upper-level low was swirling early this week. This picture was taken at Lamoille Canyon in Nevada where 3-4 inches were recorded

Replowing the Slopes area, June 23, 2014.

A Glacier National Park snowplow on Sunday cuts through one of the many new snow slides that came down on Going-to-the-Sun Road due to last week's storm.



  現時沒有明顯數據支持是「極地漩渦」(Polar Vortex)有關,但綜觀今年初美國遭受極地漩渦的侵襲,不難相信北半球的氣候出現了嚴重的變化。


Heavy rain, snow to hit Glacier Park
June 16, 2014

Wild weather sees SNOW in the Northern Rockies and mass flooding in Minnesota - just three days from summer
18 June 2014

June Snow: Winter Storm in Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Flooding in Glacier National Park As Summer Approaches
Jun 19, 2014

Surprise storm dumps 30 cm of snow on parts of the U.S.
June 19, 2014

Glacier National Park, Montana: Where Crews Are Still Plowing Snow in June
Jun 25, 2014

 2014年初美國受「極地渦旋」(Polar Vortex)侵襲和各地出現的反常天氣與洋流有關嗎? (一)墨西哥灣洋流中斷了?!