


  位於歐洲南部巴爾幹半島西部的多山國家--波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納(Bosnia and Herzegovina,簡稱波赫)--北部一個偏遠村落澤尼卡(Sanica)兩個星期前歷經了難忘的大面積「地陷」(天坑)驚魂。




  據報章報導,地陷當天該處地面突然「張開大口」,把池水、魚和池邊的樹全都吞噬,村民哈珊(Cemal Hasan)就說:「事發時一片混亂,魚躍出水面,還有一棵碩大的梅子樹宛如被人『勾』住向下猛拉入坑。」澤尼卡村的這處池塘原本直徑長20公尺、深8公尺,現在變成一個寬50公尺、深30公尺的大坑,且仍在持續「長大」中。


Tales from the 'abyss': Bosnians panic as sinkhole swallows village pond filled with fish
November 26, 2013

Just outside the rustic village, children fished in a tranquil pond bobbing with green algae and lined with willow trees, as cattle grazed nearby.

Now, Rezak Motanic gazes in disbelief down a gigantic moonlike crater where the pond used to be. It's like something from a science fiction movie: a sinkhole swallowed the water, the fish and even nearby trees.

"I sat here only a day before it happened, sipping plum brandy," Cemal Hasan said. "And then, there was panic. Fish were jumping out, and a big plum tree was pulled down like someone yanked it with a hook."

The villagers of this remote northwestern Bosnian village have been in shock since the pond vanished two weeks ago.

Their pond was some 20 meters (yards) in diameter and about eight meters deep. Now, the "abyss," as the villagers have dubbed the crater, is some 50 meters wide and 30 meters deep — and growing.

Scientists say it is not uncommon that ponds and small lakes suddenly disappear. They say it could be caused by drying underground water currents, or changes in soil drainage due to irrigation.

The Sanica villagers, however, are having none of the scientific explanations.

"It could have been a giant cave that opened its doors," offered Milanko Skrbic. "Or a volcano."

Another popular theory — one that experts dismiss along with the others proposed by townsfolk — is that fish could have triggered the explosion of one of several World War II German bombs believed to have been thrown into the pond by an old woman after the war.

"She herself died when one of the bombs exploded in her arms," Cemal Hasan said as he stood on the edge of the "abyss."

Another spooky explanation: The owner of the pond took it with him when he died about a month ago.

"Only days before Hasan passed away he said: 'I'll take everything with me when I die.' And that's what he did," Motanic said. "His daughter saw him walk on the lake the night he died."

Husein Nanic said it could be a sign that the end is nigh: "All sort of miracles happen before the doomsday," he said.

Pond swallowed by sinkhole fuels legends in Bosnian village
26 November 2013

Bosnia sinkhole sucks fish-filled village pond into abyss
Nov 26, 2013

Sinkhole swallows Bosnian pond overnight



  天坑事件並沒有減少,只是甚少報導。試看發生在 13年 11月 14日的天坑

天坑大小約為 30英呎寬,30英呎深。


  杜恩丁消防局長帕克斯(Jeff Parks)說,那個天坑是今天凌晨突然出現的,到上午 8時 30分,已經發展到 30英呎寬和 30英呎深。

  帕克斯說,過去幾天,兩家居民顯然想到他們房子下面有天坑,正在設法補救,包括聘請工程人員澆築水泥。那名房主今天早上 5時 40分醒來聽到後院陽台上有噪音,跑去看發現天坑。

  有遮陽篷的陽台和 14英呎長的遊艇已經掉進天坑,鄰居家的主臥室和游泳池也掉進去了。

  但幸運的是,沒有人員傷亡。位於佛羅里達西岸中部的杜恩丁已經有 6戶人家撤離,救援人員趕到現場之後,電力和煤氣已經切斷。


佛羅里達天坑吞下遊艇和游泳池 附近居民撤離   20131115

佛州又現天坑 1聲響吞2   20131115


20132  佛羅里達州賽夫納(Seffner)


Massive Florida sinkhole swallows boat and swimming pool, threatens homes

Another large sinkhole has formed in Florida, causing parts of two homes to collapse and swallowing a boat and a backyard pool.

The sinkhole in Dunedin, Fla., erupted early Thursday morning between the two houses, and by noon, had grown to a size of about 70 feet wide by 53 feet deep.


Sinkhole in Florida swallows up house, threatens others
November 14, 2013

Michael Dupre, his wife and his daughter made it out of their Dunedin, Florida, house after noticing its screened-in room plunging into a pit in the ground.


Seven homes evacuated after 40-foot-wide Florida sinkhole opens up and swallows bedroom, pool and boat

Florida sinkhole threatens seven homes



  據《華盛頓郵報》報導,美國作家馬克.霍爾珀林(Mark Halperin)和約翰.海勒曼(John Heilemann)合寫的新書《競選背後:遊戲改變 2012》(《Double Down: Game Change 2012》)定於 5日出版,書的主要內容是有關美國 2012年總統大選的內幕。書中曝出,奧巴馬(Barack Obama)在談及使用無人機時曾吹噓:「我很擅長殺人!」(I am really good at killing people

上圖:《競選背後:遊戲改變 2012》(《Double Down: Game Change 2012》)

  書中描述,2011年開始,奧巴馬常會在一個黃色便簽紙上寫下他的政績。當年 9月 30,「基地」組織阿拉伯半島分支重要頭目奧拉基被美國無人機炸死。奧巴馬便在這個便箋紙上記錄下這個政績,他將寫好便箋紙遞給助手,然後對助手說:「原來我很擅長殺人。從來沒想過這會是我的一個強項。」

  奧巴馬「擅長殺人」的爭議性言論重燃外界對美國無人機政策的批評。奧巴馬是 2009年諾貝爾和平獎得主。據調查,奧巴馬上任以來,他下令 326次無人機空襲行動。自從 2004年以來,美國中情局無人機襲擊已經導致 2500人到 3600人死亡,其中包括 950名平民



  目前,奧巴馬政府還未對所謂的「吹噓事件」做出回應。但奧巴馬的顧問丹.普費菲(Dan Pfeiffer4日表示:「我還沒跟總統談過這本書,我沒看過這本書,他也沒有,不過他痛恨爆料。

Obama brag, in new book: I’m ‘really good at killing people’ with drones
November 4, 2013

President Obama was overheard bragging to administration aides about his ability to kill people with drones, a new book about the 2012 campaign season that’s due for release on Tuesday claimed.

The president’s specific words: I’m “really good at killing people,” authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann write in “Double Down: Game Change 2012,” The Daily Mail reported. They get their claim from a Washington Post report that buries the statement as a brief anecdote in an article, in which the president is described as speaking to aides about the drone program and then making the claim.


奧巴馬吹噓自己「擅長殺人」   2013-11-05


新書曝奧巴馬曾向助手吹噓:我很擅長殺人   2013-11-04


  美國總統奧巴馬(Barack Obama2009年上任之初就獲頒諾貝爾和平獎,卻在自上任後根據倫敦為基地的新聞調查局(BIJ)估計,曾下令授權多達 326次無人機空襲行動!

  而自從 2004年以來,美國中情局無人機襲擊已經導致 2500人到 3600人死亡,其中包括950名平民,但另有資料指 8成以上都是無辜平民。



  再細想,自 2004年起美國數任總統認可或授權美國中情局利用無人機,襲擊懷疑是恐怖分子的人士。從這點來看,無論哪個總統在任,政府均是按照指定的時間表來完成它獨特的使命。是背後的影子政府的詭異計劃?





CIA demands drones despite 80% civilian death rate