

極端天氣:雹暴襲英國兩郡,15分鐘變成冰天雪地!24小時下該月 1.5倍雨量!

  英國康沃爾郡(Cornwall)及德文郡(Devon)在周五(13年 9月 6)傍晚時份下了一場突如其來的大雹暴,這場雹暴雖然僅持續了大約 15分鐘,但已經令當地變成一片冰天雪地,令居民大為震驚。

  今年英國的天氣反覆不定,在落雹暴之的一天,當地還享受着高達攝氏 30度的陽光夏日,想不到一日後突然「變天」。

  同日早上廣泛地區亦突然下大雨,北約克郡(North Yorkshire)的雨量在 24小時內達75毫米,差不多等於當地過往 9月雨量的 1.5倍;而在克利卡蘭(Cleveland),有當地居民稱大雨令附近兩條河流氾濫,據稱一座大橋被洪水沖塌,另有 2架車被沖走。


Carpet: The hail storm made a trip to the garden shed somewhat trickier

Covered: The aftermath of an intense hail storm yesterday that turned one area of Falmouth into a winter landscape

Winter's coming: The hail storm in Falmouth was said to have lasted around 15-20 minutes

Winter wonderland: The town of Boslowick in Falmouth was carpeted in a thick layer of hailstones after a freak storm yesterday afternoon

A car is washed down the road in Saltburn, Cleveland, after persistent heavy rain caused flash flooding

A flooded car park in Saltburn, Cleveland, where flooding forced drivers to abandon their cars and caused part of a bridge to collapse

A 4X4 drives through flood in Saltburn, Cleveland. Some areas of the northeast saw around a month and a half's worth of rain fall in just 24 hours


Britain is lashed by up to THREE INCHES of rain in 24 hours and a freak hailstorm hits Cornwall as summer comes to a very soggy end

Parts of North Yorkshire see 75mm of rain over a 24 hour period
That is equivalent to one-and-a-half times the average September rainfall
Durham was Britain's wettest city with 58mm rain falling over 24 hours
60 people evacuated from their homes in Redcar, Cleveland
Motorists abandon vehicles with two cars being washed away in the floods
Freak hail storm covers parts of Devon and Cornwall in a blanket of white

Dozens of people were evacuated from their homes last night while two drivers saw their cars swept away as parts of Britain saw almost a month and a half's worth of rain fall in just 24 hours.

In Redcar, Cleveland, up to 60 people had to be evacuated while in nearby Saltburn part of a bridge was washed away with some areas seeing up to three inches of rain fall. 

And on the other side of the country a freak hail storm covered parts of Devon and Cornwall in a blanket of white creating a winter wonderland, at the beginning of September.


BBC News Falmouth looks like winter scene after freak hail storm(America Tornado)

Cornwall Winter Wonderland Unbelievable Hail Storm


在今年 7月美國新墨西哥州內小鎮,一夜間降下超過一呎厚的冰雹!

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