

美國最高法院裁定同性婚姻合法,將會帶來甚麼後果? Bob Jones 於13 年 2 月預告了!

美國最高法院裁定同性婚姻合法      2013626

















1) 承認已婚的同性伴侶,可獲得與異性結婚伴侶相同的權益,不再遭受法律歧視

2) 換言之,聯邦法例《婚姻保護法》禁止政府讓同性配偶,享有與異性配偶同等的稅務、衛生及退休等福利,被裁定為違憲,即打破了婚姻必須是由一男一女結合的規定

3) 這表示加州將成為美國承認同性婚姻的第13個州

4) 目前有12個州,包括麻薩諸塞州、康乃狄克州、愛荷華州、佛蒙特州、新罕布夏州、紐約州、華盛頓州、緬因州、馬里蘭州、羅德島州、德拉瓦州、明尼蘇達州等,在法律上認可同性婚姻。

5) 另外,現時有30州在州憲法中,嚴禁同性踏上紅毯的一端。


  昨日的文章《基督教國際先知Bob JonesRick Joyner 共同預言美國西岸將會生大地》已提到先知 Bob Jones說美國西岸的大地震和200呎高的海嘯的災難,是由於同性戀的罪所導致。







基督教國際先知Bob Jones、Rick Joyner 共同預言美國西岸將會發生大地震

基督教國際先知Bob JonesRick Joyner

Prophetic warning: Major west coast earthquake is coming soon

   2013 2 月份,一群基督教國際先知Bob JonesRick Joyner Paul Keith Davis 等,舉辦一個聯合會議,共同預言美國西岸將會發生大地震,竟然首次公開呼籲居住美國東西兩邊海岸的居民,遷離海岸線城市,進到內陸安全地方,文字資訊則在2013 5 月中才於網上公開轉載。

  先知Bob Jones 提及早前美國西岸聖地牙哥海岸有大量海豚集體出現,這就是大地震的先

  另外,先知Bob Jones 亦警告:天父正移開祂保護的手,因為美國人認同了同性戀的婚姻。

   Bob Jones 在其他資訊上特別提到,近數個星期,我們陸續看見很多國家將同性戀合法化,以及容許同性戀婚姻,並享有相關福利及利益。

  Bob Jones 說,這些災難都是因為同性戀的罪所導致,是神對這些國家所作的審判,他特別針對美國西岸的十一個州,並表示神對他們保護的手已經挪開了,這會導致他們將全被毀滅。



Major West Coast Earthquake is Coming Soon

Rick Joyner:

One of the things the Lord showed us, He showed us the big one that is coming, but He showed us a warning quake too. We went around and we had specific details and it all happened and it was shocking to us. One of the biggest shocks was how, even though we had specifics, and it was clear, and it happened just like we said, many of the church leaders said, “We don’t believe that.” It was about as clear of a warning shot as it could be and yet they said no, that is just nature. That was the shocking part to me.

We really need to pray for hearing ears. There really is a spirit of delusion as I talked about yesterday and as the apostle Paul warned there would be those who would only want their ears tickled, who could not hear these things.

We really need to pray for California. We need to pray for the whole West Coast, but there are some who hear. The encouraging thing lately is that some who had been the most adamant and saying, “This is not God. We don’t believe this.” They have had their own dreams and their own visions and their own revelation and now they really understand and know that this is really coming down. This (earthquake) is really happening.

I continue to pray for more time to get more people ready. But regardless of what happens in the natural, through human conflict or whatever, we have to get used to it being harvest time. We have to understand we are not going to run from this. We are going to run to it. It says in Joshua when they crossed over the Jordan River, the Jordan River overflowed all of its banks all of the days of the harvest. The Jordan River speaks of death. That is why Jesus baptized there and John baptized there. It empties into the Dead Sea.

We really are coming into Psalm 91 when 1,000 may fall at our side and 10,000 over here. We have to stay focused and do our job. Death has been swallowed up in victory. It is something we are not afraid of. It happens. We have to learn to stay focused and keep doing our job, but we have to learn also to run to those situations, not away from them.

We have been saying for years now, “Unless you hear God say to stay, get out.” I felt like one of the things the Lord showed us that would precede this was the Japanese quake and tsunami. I felt years ago the Lord said that when that happened tell everyone to move away from those areas who have not heard to stay. We put that warning out. We keep it out. I get asked all the time, “Well it hasn’t happened yet. It must not have been the Lord.”

Listen, there are prophecies in Scriptures that took hundreds of years to happen. We have had many that took 20 years to happen. I don’t know when it is going to happen. I believe the Lord is going to give us something specific. I feel very much that it is imminent. The last several days I have had this foreboding, a spiritual foreboding. Everything in the natural is going better than ever. In the natural I don’t have any reason to feel this way. Something is going on. When I read about those dolphins I said, “This is not good.”

It is proven that dolphins sense earthquakes days ahead of time. There is something that happens regarding the magnetics of the area, but as far as anyone knows what is going on right now with those dolphins out there is unprecedented. Nobody has heard anything quite like it.

I am praying for California and I am praying for such a revival and praying, “Lord, lessen this if there is any way that it can be spared because of revival and turning to the Lord.”Who knows what He might do. We really need to be praying for our West Coast. The Lord is deeply offended by the poison, the spiritual and moral poison that is coming out of Hollywood. This is a terrible grief and He is not going to put up with it for much longer.

Bob Jones:

Years ago, I don’t remember how long, but I think it was in the mid-70s, the Lord told me that he is going to give them a warning in California. The shaking will begin in Caliente and Mexicali. When those two places shake it will shortly happen in the other places. So I think if people will listen He is going to warn them. I think the warning will be Mexicali and Caliente on the borderline. I think it is shortly going to shake. If it does then San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and right up the coast. I have never known which was going to go first, San Francisco or Los Angeles. But I have seen the tsunami that will come of the Los Angeles River. The height of it is beyond imagination. In places it looked to me like it was over 200 feet tall.

Now what is your part?

Your part is to get it into your soul that these things are going to come and you are going to go through them. They are not going to take you under. You are going to go through them. Every bad thing that has happened in your lifetime, you are here and it is a sign that you went through them. You survived them. This is what I think the Holy Spirit has been doing in your lives is bringing you to a place of faith to where you can survive what takes place when the Father removes his hand. And the Father is removing his hand off of certain areas right now. I believe this area that I am in here (near Fort Mill, South Carolina) is an area of safety. I was told to come here. The first place I was told was to go to Statesville, NC. Then I was told to move from Statesville to where I am right now. I have had him to tell me to move from certain areas at different times. I think for many of you, find out what area He wants you in four there are going to be cities of refuge that are not even touched. There are going to be some states that are hardly touched. There are going to be other states that are demolished.

I brought a word about 11 northeast states, that the father was removing his hand from them. It was about six months ago. I shared why the father was removing his hand from them. It was because they all agreed on the same-sex marriage. So the father, as to whether he is judging them one way or not, when He removes his hand what do you think is going to happen? Judgment. So for those 11 northeast states, just look at what has happened to them. You take Christ out of the schools and you have dead babies. You take Christ out of the marketplace and you have an economy falling. You take him out of the protection on the lines and you have dead cities. Those hurricanes, those bridges falling, that death, if that young man that did all the killing (in Connecticut) had been introduced to Christ in school that killing would have never happened. One of our jobs of the last days is going to be bringing Christ back into the schools.

I don’t know how long some of the states are going to take their punishment because they don’t have a covering. I would be terrified if I did not have Christ in my heart. You’re talking about eternity in hell eternally. I wish that I had the ability to show the people on the earth what hell is like. The Lord has taken me there a couple of times. I don’t want to ever go there again. But hell is real and so is heaven. You are on your way to heaven, but a lot of these jokers and everything are on their way to hell. They don’t know what they are on their way to.

With what the father breathed into Adam all men become eternal. God put his conscience inside of them. So when you are conceived a part of God the father comes into you and becomes your conscience. If you let your conscience be your guide then you are going to spend eternity in heaven. This life down here is just like a drop in the bucket. It is so quick, but it determines where you will spend eternity.

I have seen heaven more than twice and it is so beautiful. Everything there is beauty. Everything there is light. There are praises continually there. The mountains and everything up there are beautiful. The colors are beyond imagination to spend eternity there with Christ and with your brothers and sisters.


2013年6月13日 美東岸新澤西州掀起近2米海嘯

613暴雨 曾造成東岸海嘯   2013/06/26



  新州海洋郡居民柯恩(Brian Coen)當天在Barnegat釣魚,在下午330分,他目睹岸邊的海水急退。他說,近海岸的防波堤本來在水面下三、四呎,但海水退卻時,防波堤的堤頂一度露出水面。之後,六呎(1.8)高的浪頭從海中撲向陸地,三名在海邊的泳客被捲出防波堤,又被海浪拋回防波堤,兩人因此受傷,必須送醫治療。






NOAA: Rare Tsunami Hit East Coast Earlier This Month   June 25, 2013

Above: Storm systems growing more intense: A radar image of the storm complex that may have caused the East Coast tsunami.

A storm that blew through earlier this month might have spurred a rare phenomenon for the East Coast: a tsunami.

The tsunami was observed June 13 at more than 30 tide gages along the East Coast, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said. The highest peak amplitude was recorded in Newport, R.I, where it reached just under a foot above sea level. Gages in Kiptopeke, Va., and Atlantic City, N.J., recorded similar peaks, according to NOAA.

Brian Coen was spearfishing at Barnegat Inlet in Ocean County, N.J., around 3:30 p.m. on June 13, when he saw a strong outrush of water as the tide went out, according to a description provided by NOAA. He said it carried divers over submerged rocks that serve as a breakwater. The rocks, normally three to four feet deep, eventually were exposed, he said.

Then, according to NOAA, Coen saw an approximately 6-foot wave come in. It carried the divers back over the breakwater and also swept three people off rocks that are usually five to six feet above sea level. Two of them needed medical attention.

Chuck Ebersole, steward at Wickford Yacht Club in North Kingstown, R.I., said he saw a strong current of about 7 knots, or 8 miles per hour, going out through a channel into Narragansett Bay. Normally, he said, the current is 1 to 2 miles per hour. The current was so strong that one large boat pulled its cleat out of the dock, he said.

After a while, the current reversed at the same speed, he said. A nearby gage recorded that the sea level changed by 1.3 feet.

Scientists are trying to determine the cause, but NOAA said the tsunami may have been related to a strong storm that moved through the region and offshore that day. Government forecasters said the source was complex but that strong atmospheric pressure fluctuations indicate it was at least partly caused by the weather.

At the yacht club, there was only minor damage to the dock and two boats, Ebersole said.

For a little while there, I thought it might have been some runoff from the storms we had that week, but it was too much water for that,” he said. “It was very exciting at the time.”


Rare tsunami may have hit Jersey Shore

Rare Tsunami Hits East Coast...

Tsunami may have hit East Coast earlier in June 13, 2013



  自踏入136月後,歐洲、加拿大、印度、法國等地出現大暴雨,並引發水災。Webbot(或Web Bot)有提及嗎?


歐洲    136月初





中歐洪水肆虐致16人死 多國成「水鄉澤國」   2013-06-07

歐洲中部暴雨增至至少10死或失蹤   2013-06 - 03

上千萬歐洲人逃離家園 躲避「世紀洪水」   20130606


印度   136月中









印度北部暴雨引發洪災 致138人遇難6萬餘人被困   20130619

印度北暴雨恐數千死   20130621()

印度雨災500死 野狗食屍體   20130622()

An Entire Apartment Swept Away By Floods In India 2013 - River Ganga South West Monsoon


加拿大   136月下旬







加拿大西部大水災 10萬人避難(圖)  20130622

加拿大水災 3 10萬人疏散   20130622

加拿大水災 3死 逾10萬人疏散   2013-06-22

Major Flood Calgary Alberta | June 20th 2013 [Compilation]

Flood Okotoks Alberta | June 20th 2013


法國   136月下旬








法國露德世紀水災 向教宗求援   2013-06-21

法國西南部水災肆虐 兩名七旬老人喪生   2013-06-20


  驟然看到上列數宗因暴雨引發的水災,你或可能認為是因氣候轉變而導致的災難,實為正常又合理的事件。但有否想過 Webbot(或Web Bot)早已預告了!

  當翻閱 2012年 9月份出版的 Webbot(或Web Bot)時,它指自 13年起會出現「水災地獄」和「歐洲會被海嘯及暴雨破壞」。



  當你看到 13年 6月起的水災出現位置,再加上印度北部的水災連房屋也沖走,便可知道 Webbot 的預測已開始逐步應驗,並會趨向更惡劣的境地。


  按 Webbot 的預測,歐洲地區將會下暴雨,並且達致一個不會停止的程度,甚至連當地居民以為這是永久性的現象,就是嚴重得前所未有的階段。

  此外,Webbot 又預測 2013年的暴雨和颶風會引致一個很龐大的災害,甚至可以將整個山脈沖下來,將整個城市、整個村落完全活埋,然後被太陽曬乾後,整個地區就被泥漿封密。又或是把整個城市沖出了大海,甚至有幾十里遠。

  綜觀以上的資料,和近期的事件發展,已經能絕對肯定 Webbot 的確準確地預測了當前的世界災難,還需要證據嗎?



俄小鎮30 翌日迎風雪   2013 - 6 - 15







Siberia: Scorching Sun To Snow Storm In A Day   UK, Friday 14 June 2013

Residents in a Siberian town were shocked to see heavy snow just one day after temperatures had hit 30C.

Just one day after basking in temperatures of 30C, residents of a Siberian town were shocked to suddenly find themselves in the middle of a snow storm.

Nadym had been enjoying days of tropical weather before people were quickly forced to change their t-shirts and shorts for coats and scarves.

Sub-zero conditions are normal for the region through the long winter but are rare for June, when the sun gives people a brief but hot summer.

Amateur footage filmed in the town showed snow pouring down and covering streets, cars and parks - with people wrapped up and battling with the bitter cold.

Temperatures can drop as low as -50C in a Siberian winter, with the town of Oymyakon often recording the lowest numbers.

Siberia Scorching Sun To Snow Storm In A Day




  我想Webbot(或 Web Bot)在13 110日發佈的「即時數據情報報告」(Immediacy Data Intelligence Report)已經指出,在未來的數個星期,地球的極地漩渦就會崩潰,導致很多冷空氣影響美國的天氣。



  如果極地漩渦」(Polar Vortex正在崩潰,導致外太空的冷空氣可以進來,所以這個城鎮才會出現如此極端反常的現象。








  隨著多瑙河水位上升至歷史新高,匈牙利已經宣佈進入緊急狀態,洪峰即將抵達首都布達佩斯,總理Viktor Orban形容今次水災為該國史上最嚴重。










  在奧地利全國多處受災或進入戒備狀態,超過百條道路被迫中斷運輸,幾座文化名城的部分地區已經進水。其中城巿薩爾茨堡,一段薩爾察赫河,水位不斷上漲,堤圍要用沙包加固,而水泵不斷將 積水泵回河餐。附近一個城鎮有救援人員被山泥活埋喪生,一名男子修理水閘時遇難,另兩人下落不明。


  波蘭當地星期日凌晨降下一場大雨後,南部山區多處水浸, 隨著後來洪水減退,災情稍為紓緩。

中歐洪水肆虐致16人死 多國成「水鄉澤國」   2013-06-07

歐洲中部暴雨增至至少10死或失蹤   2013-06 - 03

上千萬歐洲人逃離家園 躲避「世紀洪水」   20130606


  早在20129月,Webbot(或Web Bot)已發表預測,預告歐洲會被海嘯及暴雨所破壞!試看其中節錄部分。







